Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What are you doing? Sleeping?!?!?!?1?

Align Center

If you don't already have it, go to stumbleupon.com right now and get Stumble Upon. It's basically a little button that gets added to the toolbar of the internet browsing device du jour, and it picks out random sites of interest based on your own interests. You can even stumble specific TYPES of sites. You can stumble Youtube or just videos in general. You can stumble all sorts of news sites, fake news sites, specific news publication sites....It's starting to become ridonkulous. I will warn you, however, that it is crack-like in it's addictiveness.

Already have it? Update your interests!!!!

I've been using it for a few years now and just recently updated my interests. When it first came out, you had maybe a few dozen options, but now it's INSANE. The way they have broken down the categories of interest deserve your attention. The other great thing is now it has neared the point of being useful, beyond just finding funny and obscure articles by your favorite writer, you can set it up to be a work tool. There are that many options.

Anywho, If you didn't already have it, get it. If you already do, update it.

The possibilities for time wasting are limitless.

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