Monday, February 2, 2009

Sorry, one more poo post.

From December, 2005:

I'd like to take a moment to talk to you about something that afflicts millions of people every year. It cares not if you are young or old, black or white, cool or lame. What I want to talk to you about is itchy butt.

Itchy butt itself is only the beginning. Those people affected by itchy butt are also ten times more likely to fall victim to stink fingers or smelly drawers.

The really sad part is the fact that itchy butt can be avoided, and in some cases even cured. The responsibility lies squarely on your shoulders. Proper education and some preemptive counter measures can be taken.

Find time to talk to your kids frankly about itchy butt. Be sure to tell them the dangers of it, suggest ways of avoiding it, and if need be, relate to them how itchy butt may have affected you at some point in your life.

The best preventative measure that can be taken is to simply shower after every time you take a deuce. Second to that are Cottonelle Fresh Moist Wipes( ). Keeping these with you and in your home will ensure that you and your loved ones will avoid itchy butt even if you don't have the time to shower after negotiating the release of your little brown hostages.

Thank you for your time, and remember: winning the itchy butt battle is up to you. Your actions could ensure the comfort of the butts of tomorrow.

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