Sunday, March 30, 2008

The best and worst of KC improv.

Wow, a pretty broad topic for this, the first official KC blogging improvisers coordinated improv blog post. Maybe it needs a catchy new name.

So, here's the best of what's going on:

Groups are really starting to get into the whole cross-pollinating mind set. I think it's for a couple reasons: First, people are actually talking to people in other groups and finding that they have a lot in common. Not only that, but they're seeing things they definitely respect and enjoy about other improvisers, and want to get in on whatever it is that they enjoy about them. We're not quite where I would like our scene to be yet, but I think we're definitely on a good track.

OH, OH, I almost forgot. Part of what this cross breeding is also doing is pushing the limits of formats in the city. People are getting together to do these "special" shows with "special" people, and want it to actually be a "special" format, something that they ordinarily wouldn't be able to do with their home base troupe.

Now, for what can be improved...

I still think KC is struggling to build it's improv audience. Most of our shows are frequented by and large by people we know. Friends, family, and fellow improvisers. We all occasionally see normies that we don't know, but they are still vastly outnumbered by the Three F's. This is an issue that will get better over time, I believe, and the best we can do is just keep working at it. Experiment with different marketing schemes, work on getting in and keeping in with various news outlets, possibly explore sponsorships...There is a lot that can be done to build up our audiences.

So, there it is. I promise I didn't put too much thought into it, but these are what I see us doing well and what can be better done.

1 comment:

TBinKC said...


C'mon. Your reader are curious.