Monday, March 24, 2008

It's all in the timing.

So, I've been sick for the last 5 days. Today is the second day in a row I've called into work. 4 day weekend, completely wasted.

Here is the real kicker: My health benefits for my current job kick in on April 1st, exactly one week from tomorrow. So if I end up having to go to the doctor tomorrow, it's all going to be out of pocket. I should seriously consider moving to Vegas to be a cooler. Or try to get on at one of the boats here in KC.

Does anyone else still get teared up at the end of Forrest Gump, even if you're just flipping through the channels and happen to land on the last 5 minutes? Maybe it was the fever, but I was doing the part laugh, part cry thing Saturday when I came upon it.

The first half of The Karate Kid is underrated and rarely remembered.

Does PEZ go bad? I found an old Batman PEZ dispenser a few weeks ago, and it still has some orange PEZ in it. I dared Keith to try a piece, and after he did, I did. This was at least 3 weeks ago, so I'm fairly certain it's not the cause of my current illness. But Batman is sitting by my monitor now, and I know he's got at least 3 pieces of PEZ left. If I don't eat them, who will?


Anonymous said...

Do. Not. Eat. The. Pez.


improvclown said...

I'd do it was soo good, it's like they get better with age.

Jared Brustad said...

The Pez is fine. In fact, the older the Pez is, the less calories it has. Scientific FACT!

Jewels said...

Pez don't even taste good when they are fresh! Oh GOD... don't do it!!!

Anonymous said...

Put them DOWN, Tommy. Put them down and walk away.

Jared Brustad said...

Tommy, I'll give you $5 if you eat the Pez.

Anonymous said...

Tommy!!!!!!!! I found your blog. Come visit mine. YAY!

I'm sorry you're sick.

I can't say Forrest Gump makes me teary, but Easter afternoon I came across the last 40 minutes of Godspell (featuring Victor Garber as Jesus) and I cried.