Saturday, March 15, 2008

My shit ain't corny.

So, I don't want to just have a blog documenting my day to day life. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Not at all. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's what blogs started as. I just wanted this to be something else.

However, contrary to previous years, these last few months have actually been thrilling and exciting for me. I have a new job, I'm becoming more gangsta and more fit every day, and I'm learning things.

And I'm having fun!!!

(big subject change)

Tonight was the first CounterClockwiseComedy show in a long time, and here's the deal: it kicked ass. Seriously. Even with an extra, non-rehearsed game thrown in, it rocked. We had to spend an extra 15 minutes after everyone had left, cleaning up the socks that had been rocked off. Kind of a pain, but worth it.

I might someday start drawing my fantasies, but right now, I'm imagining a unicorn slaying a dragon.

Thanks for coming by, friend.


Anonymous said...

I hear the show rocked...and that Ashley kicked some butt her debut. (Word is y'all had some awesome scenes together.) Hate that I missed it.

Anonymous said...

Are you still sick? What's happening? Update! Update!